We woz robbed!

Good news for UK fans for the up and coming Eurovision! It seems that with the latest revelations regarding the 1968 contest could see the Spanish in hot water with voters.

So the story? Apparently, General Franco wanted to increase the image of Spain so that tourism would continue to florish. So what was his grand plan? Why of course, win the Eurovision. The only sticking point in his plan was that the Spanish entry for that year wasn't of winning quality. So not to be outdone, they decided to rig the vote and hey presto, Spain wins.

So can Sir Cliff feel hard done to? No, not according to the French artist for that year! The one who finished below Sir Cliff, she believes that she would have won if it hadn't been for the votes being rigged. So how does she work that one out? She was third! If Spain wouldn't have rigged the votes then the UK would have won with France second.

So it will be interesting to see if there is an reaction from voters, but seeing as the Spanish entry is terrible this year, the big question is, would we notice anyway?!


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