Montenegro Decide

And become the 4th country to announce both singer and song - Andrea Demirovic will sing an uptempo cheese fest of a song called "Just Get Out of My Life" and I have to say that out of the 4 chosen so far it is my 2nd favourite behind Turkey. Born in 1985 in Titograd, Montenegro she has 2 previous attempts at representing her country, Firstly in Beovijia to represent what was then Serbia & Montenegro and then again to represent Montenegro. So finally she gets the opportunity to represent her home country in Moscow in May. I have to say I do prefer the song to last years entry but still prefer Steven Faddy's 2007 entry. She is the first female representative from Montenegro, but will she be the first to qualify for the Eurovision Final......Only time will tell.....Personally I think she may have a very good chance!!! But what do I know and there are still 39 to choose!!