Oh dear Cyprus!

With a good number of entries over recent years I was looking forward to seeing the first national final to be webcast over eurovision.tv, however I really couldn't believe my eyes when the result was announced.
One word that comes to mind with the winner is..... outdated! I could quite imagine this song being sung in an old black and white movie, but in the 2008 Eurovision - come on!
It's about time that countries took this contest seriously! To win Eurovision now, you have to either have very good friendly neighbours or a damn good song. I know good songs are hard to find, but at least they could try! This song isn't even a good novelty song like Ukraine 2007.
I'd say that this song would be a nil pointer, but everyone knows that they'll get 12 points from Greece!
Here's a video of the winning song...... why Cyprus, WHY?!
It won because the singer is one of the most famous cypriot singers in cyprus night life and everybody voted for her for that reason.
But dont forget that Greece,Ukraine and Turkey won the competition with an ethnic song..
This might do the difference between the other competitors and get some points..
One part of your comment I would take issue with though is where you mention that Greece, Ukraine and Turkey won with ethnic songs. The difference between these songs and this year's cypriot entry is that the other three were an up-to-date sound. Femme fatale, no matter how you look at it, isn't.
I would love to be proved wrong and be making a trip to Cyprus in May 2009, but I just can't imagine it attracting the usual points Cyprus attracts each year.
Again, thanks for your comments!