Fancy a bet?

So with the official cd out, in the UK at least, have you started forming your favourite songs yet?  Do you think that they have a chance to win?

To help you along, here is what a selection of British Bookies make of this year's contest......

Current favourite with all bookies is France.  The best odds you can get for them is 4/1, which for the less familiar of us out there means that if you place a £1 bet, you will get your stake money back and £4.  Most bookies however have them at either 9/2 or 7/2.

2nd favourite, again with all bookies is Estonia.  Totesport and Boylesports will give you odds of 7/1 at the moment, with the worst odds being with Betfred at 11/2.

3rd favourite is the UK, but then British bookies always place the UK high.  Best odds are with Boylesports and who will offer you 10/1.  Lowest is Coral who have the UK at 6/1.

4th favourite, but sometimes joint 3rd with the UK is Sweden.  With odds ranging from 8/1 to 11/1, best odds are given by skybet and Boylesports.

The top 5 is completed by Hungary.  With odds ranging from 8/1 to 14/1, best odds are given by totesport and

As for the rest, below is a list of the range of odds and where the best can be found....

Azerbaijan - Range 9/1 - 14/1.  Best odds found at Boylesports and
Germany - Range 10/1 - 14/1.  Best odds found at Boylesports and Victor Chandler.
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Range 10/1 - 16/1.  Best odds found at Boylesports.
Norway - Range  8/1 - 16/1.  Best odds found at skybet.
Denmark - Range 14/1 - 25/1.  Best odds found at sportingbet.
Russia - Range 14/1 - 28/1.  Best odds found at Betfred.
Italy - Range 19/1 - 40/1.  Best odds found at sportingbet, StanJames and
Ireland - Range 20/1 - 40/1.  Best odds found at Betfred and
Turkey - Range 25/1 - 50/1.  Best odds found at Boylesports and
Slovenia - Range 33/1 - 50/1.  Best odds found at bet365, Boylesports and Betfred.
Finland - Range 20/1 - 66/1.  Best odds found at Boylesports.
Austria - Range 33/1 - 66/1.  Best odds found at Boylesports, sportingbet, William Hill and Paddy Power.
Poland - Range 33/1 - 80/1.  Best odds found at Boylesports.
Switzerland - Range 50/1 - 100/1.  Best odds found at Betfred, sportingbet, Paddy Power, William Hill and StanJames.
Romania - Range 33/1 - 100/1.  Best odds found at Boylesports and Betfred.
Israel - Range 40/1 - 100/1.  Best odds found at Betfred, sportingbet and William Hill.
Georgia - Range 50/1 - 125/1.  Best odds found at Boylesports.
Armenia - Range 40/1 - 125/1.  Best odds found at Boylesports.
Ukraine - Range 40/1 - 125/1.  Best odds found at Boylesports.
Moldova - Range 50/1 - 125/1.  Best odds found at bet365 and Boylesports.
Greece - Range 40/1 - 150/1.  Best odds found at Boylesports.
Latvia - Range 100/1 - 150/1.  Best odds found at Boylesports, Betfred, and William Hill.
Slovakia - Range 50/1 - 150/1. Best odds found at Boylesports.
Serbia - Range 40/1 - 199/1.  Best odds found at Unibet.
Lithuania - Range 100/1 - 200/1.  Best odds found at skybet, Boylesports, Paddy Power, StanJames and William Hill.
Iceland - Range 80/1 - 200/1.  Best odds found at Boylesports, Betfred and William Hill.
The Netherlands - Range 80/1 - 200/1.  Best odds found at Boylesports and Betfred.
Spain - Range - 100/1 - 200/1.  Best odds found at Boylesports.
Croatia - Range 80/1 - 200/1.  Best odds found at bet365 and Boylesports.
Bulgaria - Range 99/1 - 250/1.  Best odds found at Boylesports.
Belarus - Range 80/1 - 250/1.  Best odds found at Boylesports.
San Marino - Range 150/1 - 250/1.  Best odds found at Boylesports and sportingbet.
Albania - Range 80/1 - 250/1.  Best odds found at Boylesports.
Belgium - Range 100/1 - 250/1.  Best odds found at bet365 and Boylesports.
Cyprus - Range 66/1 - 300/1.  Best odds found at skybet.
Malta - Range 66/1 - 300/1.  Best odds found at Boylesports and Betfred.
Portugal - Range 125/1 - 400/1. Best odds found at extrabet.
FYR Macedonia - 125/1 - 500/1.  Best odds found at Boylesports.

So as you can see, there's a wide range of odds out there if you fancy a bet.  Just shop around.

Please note that this blog is not attached to any of the Bookies mentioned and this is the reason why I have provided no links to them.  If you do decide to bet, please bet responsibly and only spend what you can afford.  Above all, good luck!!


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