Johnny, what's another year?!

Having won as an artist in 1980 with "What's another year?" and in 1987 with "Hold me know", Logan then penned the 1992 winner "Why me?" sung by Linda Martin.
Despite dominating the contests in the 90's, Ireland have fallen on stony ground lately and sunk to their lowest last year by being represented by a Turkey puppet! Their last good result being in 2006, when the well-known Brian Kennedy gained a top 10 finish with "Every song is a cry for love."
I hope Johnny does accept the invitation as I think it would be good to see how far Eurovision has changed since his wins. We have had a number of past female winners trying to get another win, but no past male winner. So far, those females have attracted some votes, but haven't been able to replicate the win.
It would be good to see the Eurovision back in Ireland!